Pitch Deck Creation (Engage Workshop Series)





Course Description and Assignments

Pitch Deck Creation is an essential skill for venture capitalists, business development professionals, etc. The ability to create and present high quality, concise and engaging pitch decks is critical for an entrepreneur seeking funding and partnerships. A great pitch balances detail with brevity in communicating the underlying biology, a company’s competitive advantage, and the relevant clinical/commercial landscape. During the first session of the course we will use case studies to cover the most important aspects of a pitch and discuss ways to evaluate those characteristics.
Registered participants will form teams, identify an interesting technology that could be the basis of a new company, and create their own pitch deck. In the second session, teams will present a short pitch and receive feedback from the instructors and their peers. A fully baked start-up idea is NOT required for this exercise.

Participants can expect to gain insights into how to create and evaluate pitch decks, which can be applied both in the biotech/industry and academic settings.

Session Dates, Times, and Locations
Attendance is required for both sessions. In order to receive credit, students must attend both sessions and complete all assignments. Note that session 1 is on the HMS campus but session 2 will be held at the offices of MPM capital in Kendall Square. 
Postdocs may register, but will not receive course credit.


Enrollment Limit
This course is limited to 20 students. Priority will be given to the students who will participate in both sessions.


First Session – Tuesday February 4, 2020, 4:00 – 7:00 PM
•    Lecture – TMEC building @HMS
Second Session – Tuesday February 25, 2020, 4:00 – 7:00 PM
•    Presentations and feedback – MPM Capital, Kendall Square
Course Director
Carl Novina
Course Instructors
Stephen Curtis and Brian Goodman
Curriculum Fellow
Brittany Michel (Brittany_Michel@hms.harvard.edu)